The mission of the Quitman County School System Technology Department is to provide and support an environment in which all stakeholders - students, educators, support staff, parents, and the community - use technology as a tool in all facets of the educational process. Technology will be utilized to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities, have an equal opportunity to access technology, to graduate high school, and to be successful in an information-driven, global society.

Quitman County School System wants to be recognized as a world-class school system that holds a vision of excellence for all students with a 100% graduation rate with successful student progression at each level. The district's mission: To ensure the academic success of each child, each day, no excuses.

It is imperative that education remain relevant to the age in which we live. The ability to gather, manipulate, and present data using technology as the medium is a required skill in the emerging global community. Technology promotes the development of essential higher-order thinking skills in a life-long learning model of education. The use of computers and other technologies for problem solving has been identified as an integral component for a student's success in higher learning and in the new workplace. The Quitman County School District's vision for technology is that students will be fluent in the use of technology so that its application becomes commonplace for them.

Mrs. Twanda Banks, Technology Coordinator

(229) 310-7033



Technology Resources